Curiosities About the “São Tomé” Stone


It is important to distinguish the “São Tomé” quartzite stone from the sandstones. Quartzite is a metamorphic rock, composed essentially of quartz: metamorphic sandstone in which the siliceous cement recrystallized.

The sandstones, however, are rocks composed predominantly of grains of sand consolidated by a natural cement. Sandstones loosen grains of sand very easily.

The “São Tomé” quartzite stones have a high degree of hardness, 7 on the Mohz scale (scale that measures the hardness of minerals), high abrasion resistance index (28.88%), low water absorption index (0.12%), slip proof surface and thermal stability, do not retain heat when exposed to the sun.

Due to the type of sedimentary formation, the “São Tomé” stone presents a variation of shade and thickness.

Suitability of the “São Tomé” Stone

Due to the formation of the “São Tomé” stone and the way in which the thickness is obtained, there are differences. This thickness must be compensated in the mass during the laying of the stone. Did you know that it is possible to place the stones creating some effects? The "dry joint" is one of them, where the spaces are reduced between the pieces, without grouting in sight. There is also the "cushioned" stone which is the breaking of the corners at the top of the stone, so that it has a rounded effect from the top to the inside, the setter itself breaks the corners of the stone with the hammer or mallet at the time of application.

Important To Know About the “São Tomé” Stone

There is a certain variation in the rigidity of the “São Tomé” stone, some tiles being slightly flexible and others extremely hard. Once seated, the resistance becomes the same.





Seated stone

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